Writing Program at New College
First-Year Writing Courses
WAC 101This course introduces students to interdisciplinary inquiry and a multi-stage, collaborative composition practice, emphasizing rhetorical principles. Pursuing self-selected, high-interest issues, students gain experience reading critically, writing for a variety of audiences in multiple genres, revising, and editing.
ENG 101This course introduces students to interdisciplinary inquiry and a multi-stage, collaborative composition practice, emphasizing rhetorical principles. Pursuing self-selected, high-interest issues, students read critically, write for a variety of audiences in multiple genres, collaborate, revise, and edit. The course culminates with a research project.
ENG 102This course moves beyond ENG 101 in the instruction of interdisciplinary inquiry and a multi-stage, collaborative composition practice, emphasizing rhetorical principles. Pursuing self-selected, high-interest issues, students read critically, write for a variety of audiences in multiple genres, collaborate, revise, and edit. Students complete an extended research project. The course culminates with an extended research project.
ENG 105This is an advanced course in interdisciplinary inquiry and multi-stage, collaborative composition practices, with extensive emphasis on rhetorical principles. Pursuing self-selected, high-interest issues, students read a variety of primary and secondary texts critically, write for a variety of audiences in multiple genres, revise, and edit. Students complete an extended research project and mult-media composition.
ENG 107This course introduces students to interdisciplinary inquiry and a multi-stage, collaborative composition practice, emphasizing rhetorical principles. ENG 107 offers an equivalent to English 101 for students with native languages other than English. Emphasizing academic genres of writing, ENG 107 provides individualized instruction for a diversity of English language learners and explores the rich variety of English language variation.
Writing Certificate
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