Team award application
Student’s who want to join NCUIRE must find a New College research mentor. Before applying to NCUIRE, students should ask their favorite New College professors to be their mentor or they can reach out to other full time professors in the School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies, the School of Math and Natural Sciences, the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and the School of Interdisciplinary Forensics.
Prospective faculty mentors are to complete this form on behalf of two or more students who wish to be considered for an NCUIRE Team award. Do remember that every student on the team must be currently enrolled in a New College major to be eligible for a stipend. Teams with students with majors from other ASU colleges must select the class credit option.
Team awards can support from two (2) up to six (6) students.
Applicants for NCUIRE Scholarships and Fellowships DO NOT complete this form.
This form cannot be saved and returned to later. Consider composing your responses in a word processor and pasting them into the fields below.
If you do not receive a confirmation email, please send an email to NCUIRE@asu.edu stating this