Professor working with two students in lab


Undergraduate focused research conferences

Undergraduate-focused research conferences

Conference participation is strongly encouraged for NCUIRE participants. Attending conferences and presenting your work is a way to improve your communication skills, and to practice sharing your scientific and creative ideas with a broader audience.  It is an essential part of being an academic researcher.  The list of conferences here targets undergraduate research specifically.  But, you should also talk with your NCUIRE mentor about conferences within your discipline that he or she regularly attends. Note that NCUIRE funds are not to be used for conference travel or registration, however funds may be used for printing posters or other materials necessary to participate in a conference. 

New College Research Symposium in Spring

BioSci Southwest Symposium (Tempe)

NIMBIOS Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Biology and Mathematics

Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)

Arizona Nevada Academy Of Science Annual Conference

Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) Annual Conference

National Council on Undergraduate Research Annual Conference

Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Honor Society National Conference