Alumni accomplishments
Some accomplishments of former NCUIRE students
The NCUIRE program has life-long impacts. Students get to practice real research methods and develop new skills. Great friendships often appear and student confidence gets a boost. Insight into these topics are in the “Why NCUIRE? Student perspectives" page.
Going onto graduate school
NCUIRE projects are often quite rigorous and impressive. Students can use their NCUIRE project to get into graduate school. For example, Austin Clements is getting a Ph.D. in history at Stanford University and Carolina Hernandez is getting her PhD in Sociology at the University of Pittsburgh. Other NCUIRE students have moved onto graduate programs at Brandies University, Columbia University, Indiana University, Miami University, Oxford University, University of Arizona, University of California-Davis, University of California-San Francisco, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, and other prestigious universities.
Being involved in academic publications
NCUIRE students do all types of work. Often these tasks are more mundane and make smaller contributions to the study. Some students do really intensive work. Students may invent the research question, write most of the literature review, or conduct the analysis. In cases like this, students can become coauthors with their faculty mentors. Below is a list of publications with NCUIRE students as coauthors.
Moen, C., Johnson, J. C., & Hackney Price, J. (2022). Ecdysteroid responses to urban heat island conditions during development of the western black widow spider (Latrodectus hesperus). PloS one, 17(4), e0267398.
Parker, A. C., Mintz, D. A., Solis, F. J., & Marshall, P. A. (2022). Luminometric Studies of Yeast Response to Complex Environmental Calcium Variations Demonstrate Sensing of External Calcium Ion Changes. Advances in Microbiology, 12(9), 555-567.
Grozić, A., Coker, K., Dussik, C. M., Sabir, M. S., Sabir, Z., Bradley, A., ... & Jurutka, P. W. (2022). Identification of putative transcriptomic biomarkers in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): Differential gene expression and regulation of TPH1 and SERT by vitamin D. Plos one, 17(10), e0275683.
Bustamante, K., Guajardo, J. I. A., & Cahill, T. (2022). Thermal Degradation of Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin during Cooking. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, 49(2), 99-108.
Jurutka, P. W., di Martino, O., Reshi, S., Mallick, S., Sausedo, M. A., Moen, G. A., ... & Wagner, C. E. (2022). An Isochroman Analog of CD3254 and Allyl-, Isochroman-Analogs of NEt-TMN Prove to Be More Potent Retinoid-X-Receptor (RXR) Selective Agonists Than Bexarotene. International journal of molecular sciences, 23(24), 16213.
Bilderback, A.H., A.J. Torres, M. Vega, B. Ball. 2021. The structural and nutrient chemistry of decomposing cacti in the Sonoran Desert. Journal of Arid Environments. 195: 104636.
De Alcaraz‐Fossoul, J., Tully‐Doyle, R., Weber, A. R., Barrot Feixat, C., Zapico, S. C., Rivera Cardenas, N., ... & Graber, R. P. (2020). A small population study on friction skin ridges: differences in ridge widths between latent and inked fingerprints. Journal of Forensic Dciences, 65(2), 620-626.
Fahs, B., Swank, E., & Shambe, A. (2020). “I Just Go with It”: Negotiating Sexual Desire Discrepancies for Women in Partnered Relationships. Sex Roles, 83:226-239.
Nishimura, J., & Goodloe, O. (2020). Consistency dynamics in accusation-endorsement networks with an external judge. Journal of Complex Networks, 8(1), cnz047.
Mallick, S., Marshall, P. A., Wagner, C. E., Heck, M. C., Sabir, Z. L., Sabir, M. S., ... & Jurutka, P. W. (2021). Evaluating Novel RXR Agonists That Induce ApoE and Tyrosine Hydroxylase in Cultured Human Glioblastoma Cells. ACS chemical neuroscience, 12(5), 857-871.
Sabir, Z., Livingston, S., Whitfield, K., Haussler, M., & Jurutka, P. The Vitamin D Receptor As A Therapeutic Target In Oxidative Stress And Nrf‐2 Signaling: Role Of Vitamin D And Urolithin A. The FASEB Journal, 35.
Warda, A., Staniszewski, L., Sabir, Z., Ron, E., Marshall, P., Wagner, C., & Jurutka, P. Development of Novel Bexarotene Analogs for Treating Cutaneous T‐Cell Lymphomas. The FASEB Journal, 35.
Allen, T., Farley, S., Draper, J., Clement, C., & Polidoro, B. (2018). Variations in sorption of organochlorine pesticides and PCBs across six different plastic polymers. Journal of Environmental and Toxicological Studies, 2, 1-6.
Alvarez Guevara, J.N. and Ball, B.A. 2018. Urbanization alters small rodent community composition but not abundance. PeerJ. 6:e4885. doi: 10.7717/peerj.4885
Fan, G., Huff, R., Muir, J., Nektalova, Z., Kruchowsky, J., Kepler, J. L., ... & Solis, F. J. (2018). Bifurcations and limit cycles in cytosolic yeast calcium. Mathematical biosciences, 298, 58-70.
Guevara, J. N. A., & Ball, B. A. (2018). Urbanization alters small rodent community composition but not abundance. PeerJ, 6, e4885.
Goodloe, O., & Nishimura, J. (2019). Modeling social and lunar coordination in the spawning behavior of Fundulus heteroclitus. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 72, 360-370.
Lucas, D., & Polidoro, B. (2019). Urban recreational fisheries: Implications for public health in metro-Phoenix. Chemosphere, 225, 451-459.
Nishimura, J., & Goodloe, O. (2019). Implication Avoiding Dynamics for Externally Observed Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01118.
Polidoro, B., & Clement, C. (2018). Beyond citizen science: Multigenerational education and mentoring in environmental monitoring—A case study. Integrated environmental assessment and management, 14(4), 521-522.
Pambuccian, V., & Schacht, C. (2019). The axiomatic destiny of the theorems of Pappus and Desargues. In Geometry in History (pp. 355-399). Springer, Cham.
Silva, Y. N., Hall, D. L., & Rich, C. (2018). BullyBlocker: toward an interdisciplinary approach to identify cyberbullying. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 8(1), 1-15.
Silva, Y. N., Hall, D. L., & Rich, C. (2018). BullyBlocker: toward an interdisciplinary approach to identify cyberbullying. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 8(1), 1-15.
Ali, J. M., Herrmann, K. M. K., Rakestraw, M. J., & Kolok, A. S. (2016). Learned discourses: Timely scientific opinions. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 12(4), 821.
Altabtabaee, R. L., Chaudhary, O., Clement, C., & Polidoro, B. (2016). Loss of chlorpyrifos from plastic bags used in commercial banana production. International Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology Research, 4(2), 19-24.
Penny, C., Grothendick, B., Zhang, L., Borror, C. M., Barbano, D., Cornelius, A. J., ... & Sandrin, T. R. (2016). A designed experiments approach to optimizing MALDI-TOF MS spectrum processing parameters enhances detection of antibiotic resistance in Campylobacter jejuni. Frontiers in microbiology, 7, 818.
Sabir, M. S., Khan, Z., Hu, C., Galligan, M. A., Dussik, C. M., Mallick, S., ... & Jurutka, P. W. (2017). SIRT1 enzymatically potentiates 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 signaling via vitamin D receptor deacetylation. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology, 172, 117-129.
Johnson, J. C., Halpin, R., Stevens, D., Vannan, A., Lam, J., & Bratsch, K. (2015). Individual variation in ballooning dispersal by black widow spiderlings: The effects of family and social rearing. Current Zoology, 61(3), 520-528.
Stantchev, S. K. (2014). Spiritual rationality: Papal embargo as cultural practice. Oxford University Press, USA.