Professor working with two students in lab


FAQs for awardees

Frequently asked questions for awardees

How do I ensure I receive my stipend payment?

Students must be currently enrolled in a New College major to get a stipend. Be sure to closely review the award letter/email you received about your NCUIRE award. It contains many details regarding paperwork you must complete prior to beginning work on your NCUIRE project. If you are not sure whether you have completed the right paperwork, contact Stacey Kimbell (

To receive your stipend payment, you must also complete progress and/or final reports by the deadlines specified in your award letter.

How do I know when I need to submit my progress and final reports?

Your award letter contains a table that specifies relevant deadlines.

I seem to have misplaced my award letter. How do I obtain a replacement copy?

Your faculty mentor was also provided a copy of the letter. Alternatively, feel free to email to obtain a replacement.

I'm an NCUIRE Scholar/Fellow. I understand my NCUIRE award includes up to $500 in supplies funds? How do I purchase items?

All purchases supported by the supplies budget must be essential to your project. Your faculty mentor will work with Stacey Kimbell ( to coordinate these purchases. $460 to include supplies, tax, shipping and handling plus $40 ASC.

I'd like to present results of my NCUIRE project at a conference, meeting, etc. Does NCUIRE provide funds for travel to present these results?

Currently, the NCUIRE program does not have funds to support travel; however, travel funds may be available from other sources, including ASU West Valley Student Government. 

I'd like to present results of my project in a poster presentation at an upcoming conference/meeting. Will NCUIRE cover associated printing costs?

The supplies funds that accompanied your Scholar/Fellow award should be used to fund poster printing costs. Poster printing cost coverage should be coordinated Stacey Kimbell ( Unfortunately posters created by NCUIRE Research Teams and NCUIRE Research Assistanships cannot be covered by NCUIRE funds.

How do I print my poster?

  • Your poster should be no larger than 36” x 56” (other poster sizes: 22” x 28” or 36” x 48”).
  • Please leave a ½ inch border all around the poster with NO graphics or word text in this area.
  • The cost of printing one poster per NCUIRE award (one per individual award or one per team award) up to $60 per academic year will be paid for through the NCUIRE program.