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NCUIRE Racial Justice Program

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NCUIRE Racial Justice - Request For Proposals (RFP)

NCUIRE, the program that facilitates undergraduate research mentorships in New College, is hosting a special call for proposals relating to the themes of racial justice and anti-racism.  This RFP is for faculty-led projects that addresses some aspect of racism, including, but not limited to, systemic racism, racial injustice and anti-racism. Awards will be made at the NCUIRE Research Assistantship and NCUIRE Teams levels, and all requirements for NCUIRE awards will still apply except for the unique due date (Applications are due Friday October 1, 2021).

This NCUIRE RFP will support projects that strive for real and lasting racial equity globally and locally, to include on our campus, in our community, and beyond. Examples of possible types of projects include:

How is race “lived” in interactions with friends, relatives, strangers, and how it is experienced when people apply for jobs, look for housing, or participate in college?

What is the prevalence of racial disparities within local, national, and global contexts? What are the sources and consequences of such racial disparities?

How are the social responses to COVID-19 racialized? 

What are some ways to lessen or eliminate racial prejudice and discrimination? This includes practical policy recommendations, educational interventions, or studies on political engagement/advocacy, or studies of race-related bias in AI and technology.  

Is there racial content in classes at ASU and elsewhere?  Can we analyze the effects of diversity within curricula on student outcomes, or assess how to best develop new courses and class assignments examining racial injustice?

What are some effective mechanisms to increase inclusivity and success in certain academic disciplines?

How do artists address race and racism through the creative process?  What can be done to enhance the artistic careers of aspiring artists from stigmatized populations?

This NCUIRE RFP can be used to support any work, new or on-going, that deals with racial dynamics in institutions, groups, and individuals.  The project can use any currently valid method, theory, or approach to scholarship, but we especially seek proposals that have real world applications to improving race relations during the COVID-19 era and beyond.

Who is eligible?

Proposed projects should include one faculty member and at least one undergraduate student (one RJP project per professor per semester).  Applications should include, where possible, participants from a wide range of social backgrounds, majors, and fields of study.  If more than one student is included (i.e. the NCUIRE Teams model), the applicant should explicitly outline the roles of each student, how/why they were selected and how this is essential for the project to move forward (no more than 5 students per team).  Projects that include participation by disenfranchised populations are strongly encouraged.

The Racial Justice RFP is available to New College faculty with contractual research or teaching assignments (whether tenure-track or not).  Applicants from all fields or disciplines are sought as long as the project is focused in the aforementioned areas of research.  Applicants do not need any previous experience with NCUIRE and participation in this RFP will not limit one’s involvement in other NCUIRE programs.

Students can be of any academic rank. Students should seriously care about racial justice and be willing work 6 hours a week on their NCUIRE collaboration.  Note that being enrolled in a New College major and taking at least six credit class hours during the Spring 2022 semester).  All other NCUIRE award requirements must be met.  Applicants who have had previous NCUIRE awards and have not adhered to the program and reporting requirements may be deemed ineligible.

Award and Requirements

Faculty will guide students through the research process and students will receive a stipend at the level of a standard NCUIRE RA or Team member for the Fall semester.  Students/Teams will be required to share their work at the annual New College Spring Research symposium.  Additional outlets for presentation or publication of the funded work are encouraged.

Students will do their work during the Spring 2022 semester.  Projects may be extended using the standard NCUIRE application process into subsequent semesters (note: this does not eliminate or override reporting or presentation requirements)

Application Process

The proposal should be coauthored by the faculty member and student. The proposals should offer a brief description of the project (no more than two pages) and should include these parts:

  1. The rationale and potential impact of the project. Short elaborations of relevant theories, concepts and publications will enhance this section.
  2. A one or two paragraph overview of the methodologies to be employed.
  3. A one-paragraph statement describing the professional benefit(s) the student will receive through this project.
  4. A list of anticipated outcomes and/or products that will result from this work.

If the project requires IRB approval, please make sure this process is handled through ASU’s Research Integrity office.

Application should be submitted via the NCUIRE web page: Research Assistants - Racial Justice and/or  Racial Justice - Research TeamApplications will be will be accepted through October 1, 2021.

Selection Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated by the following questions.

  1. Is racial equity and social transformation central to the project? 
  2. Does the proposal provide experiences that would significantly increase the students’ understanding of racial issues?
  3. Does the project provide authentic opportunities to improve the research skills of the student?
  4. Does the project increase the diversity of students participating in NCUIRE, if possible?
  5. Does the proposal benefit the community or group it is studying?
  6. Are the research methods explained clearly, are they justified and appropriate to the question, and are they the latest approaches in that discipline?
  7. Is the project feasible?


For more information on preparing and submitting proposals, visit the NCUIRE web-page: Research Assistants - Racial Justice and/or  Racial Justice - Research Team. Also feel free to contact NCUIRE Associate Director Eric Swank (

Fall 2020 Participants

NCUIRE is pleased to announce the Fall 2020 participants in the Racial Justice Program.  The names of students, plus their faculty members, are listed below. 

NCUIRE Racial Justice (RA)  








Alyssa Danielle Cecere

Douglas Kelley


We Are Migrants



Michael Hernandez

Julia Sarreal


Black Lives Matter and Racial Equity in Colombia

NCUIRE Racial Justice (Team)


Student Names

Faculty Names




Hailyn Valle

Victor Garcia


Yasin Silva



Investigating Patterns of Anti-Asian Racism on Twitter During Covid-19


Francisco Ruelas

Marissa Heeb

Kuai Xu


Correlation Analysis of Arizona COVID-19 Cases and Demographics