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Unique Internship Opportunities
Psychology Internships
The psychology internship is designed for students with career interests in working in behavioral and mental health, education, or social work/services fields. Students are placed in settings that may include those serving individuals with serious mental illness; crisis stabilization; refugees suffering from trauma; children with autism spectrum disorders; hospice and bereavement; addiction and recovery; early childhood intervention; youth and family services; probation; and school settings working with school psychologists or occupational therapists.
Applied Computing Internships
Students in the Applied Computing BS, Applied Computing (Cybersecurity) BS, Applied Computing Minor, or Applied Cyber Security certificate may be interested in earning ACO 484 internship credit. The Applied Computing faculty post information about internships and other computing research or experiential learning opportunities in an ACO Internship Canvas shell. To request access to this shell, please reach out to Diane Mallory at ncinternships@asu.edu
The Washington Center
The Washington Center offers an exciting opportunity for ASU students in ANY major to spend an entire semester – fall, spring, or summer – in our nation’s capital, working for government, corporate, and private organizations. Earn 15 academic credits while living and learning in DC! A $5,000 scholarship is available to most ASU students. For more information, see The Washington Center website and contact Kathleen Waldron at Kathleen.waldron@asu.edu