Campus Academic Advising

Interdisciplinary Studies, MA Interdisciplinary Studies (Interdisciplinary Arts & Performance), MA

Current Students

Staff Academic Advising Questions

We are here to help!  E-mail with questions related to policies and procedures to help you navigate graduate school successfully.

Many of the answers to your questions may be on this website and in the Program Handbook, please review both carefully.

Professional Development Funding

Professional Development Funding will provide financial assistance to eligible graduate students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) program. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the fund is exhausted. Students may receive up to $400 towards Professional Development.

Apply for MAIS Professional Development Funding

Student Travel Funds

Students may receive support for travel from GPSA.

Apply for GPSA Funding

Travel Funding 

Important Student Support Resources

Academic Calendar


University Academic Success Programs

Sexual Violence and Prevention Response 

Plan of Study (iPOS)

What is the Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS)?

The Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS) functions as an agreement between the student, the academic unit, and the ASU Graduate College. It will support you as you make progress toward your degree requirements. (Learn More)

The iPOS allows you to plan for your course load, can guide registration each term, and provides an anticipated timeline for degree completion.

How do I select courses for my iPOS?

At the time of admission to a graduate program in the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences students are provided with a sequence of courses for the first semester and then work closely with the staff and faculty advisors to determine a successful path to degree completion.

How to create an iPOS?

To access the iPOS: Login to My ASU. From the My Programs box, under the Programs tab, select iPOS. Select Graduate Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS). Note: Pop up blockers may need to be turned off.  You will find instructions for submitting the iPOS in the downloadable how-to guide.

Individualized Instruction Form

Advanced students in the MAIS program with specialized and well-developed topics may choose to take MAS 580; Practicum, MAS 590: Reading and Conference, or MAS 592: Research as an individualized instruction course, working with a faculty member independently.  Please refer to the MAIS Program Handbook for additional policies.

After consulting with the faculty member with whom you want to work, please complete the Online Individualized Instruction Form.  After completing the form, it may take several days to receive the line number to register.

Please submit the request to complete an individualized instruction course two weeks prior to the start of any academic semester.


If you are interested in completing an internship for academic credit, please follow the steps below:

  1. Please confirm with your graduate academic advisor that the internship meets your program’s degree requirements.
  2. Contact the New College Director of Internships, Diane Mallory at or call 602-543-6047.
  3. Once enrolled in the course, email your graduate advisor at to add it to your iPOS or you can log directly into your iPOS to submit a course change approval to ensure the internship is included in your degree requirements.

MAS 585: Capstone Course

The capstone is the integrative project undertaken at the end of the program of study.  It may take the form of a traditional research paper, an original creative work, or an applied project. This course is structured as an independent study in which the student works closely with the Chair (primary faculty advisor) and committee member (secondary faculty advisor). It is recommended that students do not enroll in any other courses during this final semester; however, if it is necessary to do so, students may register for one non-core course in addition to MAS 585.

To Register for MAS 585

To be eligible for registration in MAS 585 a student must:

  • have completed or be enrolled in a minimum of 24 credit hours of coursework that appears on their interactive Plan of Study (iPOS). have completed or be enrolled in and expect to complete the core courses (MAS 502, MAS 501, MAS 505) prior to beginning MAS 585.
  • have an up-to-date and approved iPOS on file
  • have the approval of their faculty committee chair
  • complete the online MAS 585 registration form 

It is recommended that a student request permission to enroll in MAS 585 no less than 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester.  If a student does not successfully complete coursework in the semester preceding MAS 585 and they are already registered for the course then the student may be removed from the course until they meet the requirements above.

Upon completion of above steps, the student will receive a course permission override from the graduate staff advisor to enroll in the course.

Forming a relationship with a faculty advisor is one of the most important elements of graduate college. Your advisor can help you in selecting the proper courses, in developing a capstone project, and, more generally, in understanding the complexities of graduate-level education. Each MAIS student must identify two faculty advisors.  When you submit your plan of study, you will be required to list a Chair (primary faculty advisor) and, prior to graduation, you will be required to update your plan with a second committee member (secondary advisor).

For tips on finding your faculty advisor, see the MAIS Program Handbook.

Our Faculty

Below is a list of your program’s faculty who may potentially serve as your faculty chair/advisor.  Use the ASU iSearch feature to read more about each faculty’s expertise and research.

  • Patrick Bixby (English)  
  • Marsha Fazio (English)  
  • Christopher Hanlon (English)  
  • Darryl Hattenhauer (English)  
  • Sharon Kirsh (English)
  • Annika Mann (English)  
  • Miriam Mara (English)  
  • Francine McGregor (English)  
  • Louis Mendoza (English)  
  • Karla Murphy (English, Social and Cultural Analysis)  
  • Michael Stancliff (English)  
  • John Gilkeson (History)
  • Julia Sarreal (History)  
  • Matt Simonton (History)  
  • Stefan Stantchev (History)  
  • Stephen Toth (History) 
  • Jeffrey Kennedy (Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance)  
  • Marianne Kim (Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance)  
  • Richard Lerman (Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance)  
  • Barry Moon (Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance)  
  • Charles St. Clair (Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance)  
  • Ilana Luna (Latin American Studies)  
  • Claudia Villegas-Silva (Latin American Studies)  
  • Lara Ferry (Mathematical and Natural Sciences-Biology)  
  • Owen Anderson (Philosophy and Religious Studies)  
  • Shari Collins (Philosophy and Religious Studies)  
  • Patricia Huntington (Philosophy and Religious Studies)  
  • Bertha Alvarez Manninen (Philosophy and Religious Studies)  
  • Tuomas Manninen (Philosophy and Religious Studies)  
  • Douglas Kelley (Social and Behavioral Sciences-Communication Studies)  
  • Majia Nadesan (Social and Behavioral Sciences-Communication Studies)  
  • Lindsey Meân (Social and Behavioral Sciences-Communication Studies)  
  • Vince Waldron (Social and Behavioral Studies-Communication Studies)  
  • Amit Ron (Social and Behavioral Studies-Political Science)  
  • Sangmi Lee (Cultural Anthropology)  
  • Gloria H. Cuadraz (Social and Cultural Analysis)  
  • C. Alejandra Elenes (Social and Cultural Analysis)  
  • Breanne Fahs (Social and Cultural Analysis)  
  • Eduardo Pagan (Social and Cultural Analysis)  
  • Eric Swank (Social and Cultural Analysis)
photo of student standing in susnset making a pitchfork