Individualized Instruction Form Home Graduate Advising Individualized Instruction Form Personal Information First Name Last Name E-mail Phone No Course Information Which course will you register for?: - Select -BDSENGJHRMASCMNPSYSTC Course - None -580:Practicum590:Reading and Conference592:Research What semester will you register for this course? - None -SpringSummerFallWinter How many credit hours will you register for this course? - None -123456 Proposed Course Details Graduate Degree Program - None -Biological Data Science, M.S.Communication Studies, M.A.English, MAMaster of Interdisciplinary Arts and SciencesPsychology, M.S.Master of Social Justice and Human RightsSocial Data Science, MA Professor's E-mail I have already spoken with the instructor listed above about this course. Please list 3 Course Objectives: Please include a tentative reading list: In the space below, please include a brief description of assignments that will be required in this course. Bullet points are OK (example: This course will result in a term paper, grant proposal, research design etc.) In the space below, please briefly describe how the activities for this course will meet the requirement for the number of credit hours requested. A one credit hour course should have 45 hours of work. A two credit hour course should have 90 hours of work. A three credit hour course should have 135 hours of work. Leave this field blank