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Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy – Fall 2024

Revised 5/29/2024

Section I:  Introduction

This policy applies to all graduate students in the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences.

All graduate students are expected to make systematic progress toward the completion of their degree.  In order to remain in good standing in the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (NCIAS), students must maintain satisfactory academic progress.  This document sets forth the standards for “satisfactory academic progress” and “good standing” and explains the consequences of not meeting these standards.

In addition to the policies outlined in this document, all NCIAS graduate students are expected to adhere to applicable University guidelines including, but not limited to, the ASU Academic Integrity Policy, Student Code of Conduct, and Graduate College policies.  

Section II:  Academic Performance Requirements

College faculty and staff conduct regular reviews of student progress.  Any student’s record that demonstrates concern for satisfactory progress may be placed on academic probation or may be dismissed (permanently removed) from the degree program.

To maintain satisfactory academic progress, all students must:

  1. Maintain a minimum 3.00 grade point average (GPA) on all GPA’s:
    1. Cumulative GPA: Cumulative ASU GPA represents all courses completed in the graduate career at ASU.
    2. Overall Graduate GPA: The Overall Graduate GPA is based on all courses numbered 500 or higher that appear on the transcript after admission to a graduate program or graduate non-degree.  This includes shared coursework if in an approved accelerated bachelor's/master’s program.
    3. Plan of Study (iPOS) GPA: The Plan of Study GPA is based on all courses that appear on the iPOS (with the exception of Law & transfer coursework)
  2. Program Specific Guidelines: Required Courses:
    In addition to maintaining the GPA’s specified above, each program requires that specific grades be achieved in required program coursework.  Required courses include any non-elective and non-culminating experience course listed on the program’s ASU Degree Requirements page.  The requirements below refer to coursework only. Please review Section III for additional requirements for the Culminating Experience.
    Master’s Programs
    1. Biological Data Sciences: Achieve a grade of “C” or higher in all required courses.
    2. Communication Studies: Achieve a grade of “B-” or higher in all required courses.
    3. English: Achieve a grade of “B-” or higher in all required courses.
    4. Forensic Psychology: Achieve a grade of “C” or higher in all required courses.
    5. Forensic Science: Achieve a grade of “C” or higher in all required courses.
    6. Interdisciplinary Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies (Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance): Achieve a grade of “B-” or higher in all required courses.
    7. Psychology, Psychology (Positive Psychology), Psychology (Sport Psychology), Psychology (Industrial and Organizational Psychology):
      Students pursuing a Thesis or Applied Project: Must achieve a grade of “B-” or higher in all required courses.
      Students pursuing a Capstone Course: Achieve a grade of “C” or higher in all required courses.
    8. Social Justice and Human Rights: Achieve a grade of “C” or higher in all required courses.
    9. Social Data Science: Achieve a grade of “C” or higher in all required courses. 

            Doctoral Program

           a.  Law and Psychology: Achieve a grade of “B” or higher in all required courses.

            Graduate Certificate Programs
           a.  Biological Data Science: Achieve a grade of “C” or higher in all required courses.
           b.  Industrial an​​​​​d Organizational Psychology: Achieve a grade of “C” or higher in
                all required courses.

A student who receives a grade below the specified grade in a non-culminating experience course that appears on the approved Plan of Study must repeat the course in a regularly scheduled (not an individualized instruction) class.  Students are eligible to repeat each course one time.  Failure to achieve a grade indicated above may result in a recommendation for dismissal from the program.  All course attempts are used to calculate the ASU Graduate GPA and ASU Cumulative GPA.

Section III: Culminating Experience Requirements

  • Students must achieve a grade of “B” or higher in any A-E graded culminating experience course (Applied Project or Capstone).  A grade of “B-” is not considered passing.  
  • Students are allowed a maximum of two graded attempts (letter grade A-E).  Students who do not achieve a “B” or higher in the second attempt may be recommended for dismissal from the program. 
    Note: If a program has a two-part culminating experience (LSC 585 and LSC 586) or (FOR 592 and FOR 593) this applies to each course section.  Students who do not earn a “B” in the first of the two courses will not be permitted to take the final component until they earn a “B” in the first component. If a “B” is not earned in the second attempt of the first component then the student may be recommended for dismissal from the program.
  • Grade of Incomplete “I” or Withdrawal “W” in a non-thesis culminating experience course does not indicate satisfactory academic progress.  A student with three or more earned “I” or “W” (or a combination of “I” and “W” grades) may be recommended for dismissal. 


  • Achieve a pass “Y” in any 599 or 799 course
  • Earning a grade of “I” or “W” in multiple courses may be considered a lack of satisfactory progress.

Section IV: Academic Probation for Unsatisfactory Academic Progress

Academic Probation may be imposed if a student has any one of the deficiencies listed below.  A student placed on probation will be permitted to progress into the next term and will be advised on enrollment to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements.  A student may be prohibited from registering for the culminating experience until their academic record meets SAP requirements.  The terms of probation will require that students make progress toward meeting the Academic Performance Requirements outlined in Section II of this document within a specified timeframe.  

If progress toward fixing the deficiency is not made, the Director of Graduate Studies will recommend a student be dismissed (see dismissal process in Section VI).

A graduate student in the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences is considered to be in violation of the Standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress if any of the following are true:

  • Plan of Study (iPOS) GPA below 3.0
  • Overall Graduate GPA below 3.0
  • Cumulative ASU GPA below 3.0
  • Fail to meet requirements all courses that appear on the approved Plan of Study (see Section II: 2 a-i above).  
  • Fail to meet Culminating Experience requirements (see Section III above).

Section V: Removal from Academic Probation and Reinstatement to Good Standing

To be restored to good standing, a student must:

  1. Maintain or improve grades within the specified timeframe to meet the Academic Performance Requirements described in Section II;
  2. Participate in any required meetings to address issues related to satisfactory academic progress.

Section VI:  Dismissal and Appeal Process

A student may be recommended for dismissal if they do not:

  1. Maintain a minimum of 3.00 GPA on the iPOS GPA, Cumulative ASU GPA, and Overall Graduate GPA (outlined in Section II);
  2. Satisfy all requirements of the degree program;
  3. Satisfy all course grade requirements outlined in this document;
  4. Follow the required sequence of core courses and fail to make progress toward degree requirements;
  5. Satisfy the maximum time limit for graduation from the student’s graduate degree program (six years for master’s program)
  6. Successfully pass applicable comprehensive exams, qualifying exams, and the oral defense of the proposal/prospectus for the thesis.
  7. Successfully complete the culminating experience and, if required, the oral defense of the culminating experience; 
  8. Earn a 1.0 Cumulative Graduate GPA after completing their first semester in the program;
  9. Maintain continuous enrollment.

The student has the right to appeal a recommendation for dismissal.

Steps in the Dismissal and Appeal Process:

  1. Dismissal recommendations are reviewed by the Program Director, School Director, and Associate Dean.
  2. The student receives notice that a recommendation for dismissal from the program is being made to the Graduate College.
  3. Within 10 business days of receiving this notice, the student may appeal in writing to the appropriate School Director.  Failure to file an appeal within 10 business days of the date of notification will result in an automatic denial of the appeal.
    1. If the appeal is received, the student will be notified in writing that the appeal was received.
    2. If no appeal is received, the student will be notified in writing that they are being recommended to ASU Graduate College for dismissal.
  4. An appeal will be reviewed by the Program Director, School Director, and Associate Dean.  
    1. If the appeal is granted by any level of review the student will be notified and work with the academic advising team to determine next steps.
  5. If the dismissal is upheld by all levels of review the dismissal recommendation and all supporting documentation (including the student’s appeal) will be forwarded to the ASU Graduate College for review.  ASU Graduate College has final say in dismissal.