photo of students tagging a shark in the ocean

The Sulikowski Shark and Fish Conservation Lab

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About the Lab

The lab is dedicated to conducting research on fish such as sharks, skates and rays. By gathering data such as movement patterns, growth rates, reproductive biology, resiliency to climate change and fishing pressure, Dr. James Sulikowski and his team of student researchers gain new and exciting insight, while also creating unique alternatives to manage, conserve and utilize fish populations

Our mission is to provide valuable research experience to undergraduate and graduate students, while also advancing the understanding of fish ecology and conservation.
photo of Sulikowski looking through jaw bones

Meet Dr. James Sulikowski

Dr. Sulikowski is a marine biologist and professor at ASU New College. With over 25 years of experience, he has more than 100 peer-reviewed publications has received more than $13 million in external grant funding. Additionally, Dr. Sulikowski has appeared on a variety of television shows including the Today Show, Ocean Mysteries, the BBC, Discovery Channel, and National Geographic. 

Dr. Sulikowski has a bachelor’s degree in biology from Denison University, masters’ degrees in marine biology (Nova Southeastern University) and physiology (Depaul University), as well as a Ph.D. in Zoology (UNH).

Join Dr. James Sulikowski and his team as they embark on a scientific adventure in Mothersharker.

During Shark Week 2021, Dr. James Sulikowski and his lab were featured on Discovery Channel for an episode  titled Mothersharker. In this episode, Dr. Sulikowski shares a ground-breaking discovery that answers one of the most commonly asked questions in shark research: where are sharks giving birth?

Support Shark Research

Donations to the Shark and Fish Conservation Research Fund contribute to our ability to make a positive impact on the ocean, its species and its habitats. Make a donation today!