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New College Convocation
Ceremonies and celebrations
Commencement ceremonies are the official graduation events for the university. Convocation ceremonies are celebrations of graduating New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences students and their achievements. Learn more.
Monday, May 12, 2025 at 2 p.m. MST in Desert Financial Arena on the Tempe campus.
Yes, guests are invited! There is no limit to the number of guests you bring to celebrate with you. All guests are required to adhere to ASU Community of Care guidelines and the ASU Bag Policy.
No. Tickets are not required for this event.
As of March 14, 2022, face coverings will not be required across ASU campuses, except in a few locations (e.g., in designated courses with select required activities, on intercampus shuttles and in healthcare settings). Anyone (faculty, staff, students and visitors) on an ASU campus location may choose to wear a face covering at any time.
Desert Financial Arena has a clear bag policy that must be adhered to by all guests, including students, faculty and staff participating in the ceremony.
Desert Financial Arena also does not allow the following items: banners, flags, signs, umbrellas, air horns, alcohol, and other items. For a full list see here.
University commencement and convocation ceremonies are special events for all involved. Please show respect for everyone who has come to share in the experience. Individuals who engage in inappropriate or disruptive behavior will be removed from the event.
Registration and participation
Yes. Graduates will find the link to register for both ASU Commencement and the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Convocation on My ASU.
- Please indicate your interest in participating by requesting to walk by filling out the Late Walk Form.
- And register for ceremonies in order to attend on Marching Order by following the details and instructions on our convocation homepage.
Students should plan to participate in the convocation ceremony that takes place the semester they graduate. If you are requesting an exception, please email ncgraduation@asu.edu with an explanation for your request. The New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences needs to approve requests to attend ceremonies early.
Yes. If you plan to graduate this semester you must apply for graduation and pay the graduation application filing fee, whether or not you intend to participate in a ceremony. Get more information on applying for graduation.
No. If your university academic requirements have been met, you will receive your diploma in the mail. Get more information on applying for graduation.
- Graduates will receive their diploma covers at convocation.
- After graduation, diplomas will be mailed to the address on file with the university. Ensure that your mailing address is accurate to where you will be residing post-graduation on My ASU.
- If you are not attending convocation, you can request a diploma cover to be mailed by filling out the Diploma Cover Request Form.
No. Doctoral students are hooded at the Graduate Commencement ceremony. Registration for that event is separate and through My ASU.
Yes, official ASU graduation attire is required for all ASU graduation ceremonies. Make sure that you are not wearing your gown when you enter Desert Financial Arena as security will ask you to remove it, you may have your cap on if desired.
Undergraduate degree regalia
Master's degree regalia
Doctorate degree regalia
- Graduation regalia can be purchased online from Herff Jones or at the four ASU campus stores prior to commencement.
- Regalia purchased from Herff Jones must be ordered by 8 p.m. on March 7, 2025.
- Regalia can be purchased at any ASU campus store until graduation.
- Honor cords are for undergraduates who have earned at least 56 credit hours of resident credit at ASU. Your current GPA as verified at the time you request your honor cords will determine which cords you are given. For more information, visit the Graduation Ceremonies page.
- Pick up honor cords at any University Registrar Services location.
- ASU Online students: After you apply to graduate you will receive an email with additional information about honor cords and ceremonies.
- Disabled parking is available in Lot 58, which is approximately a two-minute walk to Desert Financial Arena.
- Golf carts are not available to transport guests from the parking lot to Desert Financial Arena for New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Convocation; however, security at the disabled lot will allow vehicles to pass to drop off guests directly next to Desert Financial Arena if you do not plan to park in disabled parking.
A small number of wheelchairs may be available for university ceremonies on a first come, first served basis for indoor use only; however, it is highly recommended to bring your own wheelchair or other mobility device to all university ceremonies.
Ramp access is available for both guests and students for both check in and seating at Desert Financial Arena.
- Guests who have a mobility impairment will be able to sit in reserved ADA seating in the interior concourse level of the arena with one companion. Disabled seating is a short walk from the main entry doors. No stairs need to be climbed to access this seating. While the seating is available on a first come, first served basis, the of New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Convocation ceremony will have ample ADA seating for our guests based on the size of the ceremony.
- Graduates can share their needs for accessible seating with our team when they arrive to Desert Financial Arena after checking in. We will work with grads to ensure they have seating for their needs.
There will be live captioning on the monitors for this event.
ASL interpreters will be next to the stage during ceremonies. To request to be seated in a section close to ASL interpreters, please indicate this on your ceremony registration.