photo of hands holding small globe

Executive Faculty

Global Human Rights Hub

GHR Hub Executive Committee



photo of Comstock


Audrey Comstock
Interim Director, ASU Global Human Rights Hub
Co-leader, International Law group

Audrey Comstock received her PhD and MA in Government from Cornell University.  She is an assistant professor of political science and human rights in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Arizona State University. Her research lies at the intersection of political science, international relations and international law. More specifically, her work focuses international human rights law, the United Nations, global women’s and LGBT rights and international peacekeeping

photo of Firoz


Dr. Malay Firoz
Interim Associate Director, ASU Global Human Rights Hub
Co-leader, Migration group

Malay Firoz is an assistant professor of anthropology in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Arizona State University. He holds a PhD in anthropology and an MA in modern culture and media from Brown University, as well as an MA in sociology from Delhi University. His research is located at the intersections of the anthropology of humanitarianism, the anthropology of ethics, political theory, postcolonial theory, forced migration studies and Middle East studies.

Firoz’s current project explores the politics of humanitarian aid for Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon, using a comparative ethnographic lens to examine a recent turn within humanitarianism towards “resilience-based” approaches to aid. His project traces how the resilience paradigm draws humanitarian organizations into deeper entanglements with the political priorities of asylum states, and analyzes the ethical implications of this paradigm for refugee rights and humanitarian principles. He also pursues a separate intellectual interest in contemporary war and the changing relationships between military technology, racialized violence and media representation from the Cold War to the drone age.

photo of Kendall Funk


Kendall D. Funk
Co-leader, Gender group

Kendall D. Funk is an assistant professor of political science in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences in ASU's New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences. Prior to her current appointment, Funk held a joint appointment as a postdoctoral scholar in the School of Politics and Global Studies and the Center for Organization Research and Design in the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University. She received her doctorate in political science from Texas A&M University in 2017. 

Funk's research crosscuts several disciplines, including political science, public administration, international studies, and gender studies. Her primary research focuses on the causes and consequences of women's representation in political institutions, especially at the local level of government in Latin America. She also researches issues related to local governance, decentralization, international public management, and government performance. Her research has been published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals, including Political Research Quarterly; Politics & Gender; Politics, Groups, and Identities; Administration & Society; and the Revista Uruguay de Ciencia Política (Uruguayan Journal of Political Science).