drawing of head with electro nodes

Cognition, Behavior and Information

What we do

A new era of technology and data collection is revolutionizing how we understand the mind and behavior in both industry and academia. 

Cognition, Behavior, and Information (CBI) is a new interdisciplinary research collaborative at Arizona State University focused on gaining psychologically-grounded insights from large-scale naturally occurring and experimentally collected data, and using cutting-edge quantitative methods to draw causal inferences about real-world problems.

Cognitive Science Colloquium Series

Join us for our monthly Cognitive Science Colloquium Series, where we invite leading researchers in cognitive science to speak about their latest research and discoveries. 

This series brings together ASU faculty and students from across campuses and departments, fostering a vibrant community of intellectual exchange.

All colloquia will be held on Fridays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. on the ASU Downtown campus (CRONK 122). See below for upcoming colloquia dates.

  Please sign up for our mailing list to be updated about the latest schedule and speaker information.

ASU Events

Our research labs

Future students

How to apply

Apply to the Psychology, MS program at ASU New College and indicate your interest in CBI labs.

View current application deadlines.

Apply now

Who should apply?

Students interested in hands-on research, especially those who plan to later pursue PhD programs.


What will I learn?

Curricula focus on data science methods (incl. visualization, machine learning, and statistics in R) and cognitive science courses.


Is there funding?

Yes! Successful applicants will receive full or partial funding for this degree.