Campus Academic Advising
English, MA
Accepting Admission Offer: Register Today
Secure your spot in the program by emailing NCGradAdmissions@asu.edu and informing your faculty mentor.
International Student Admits: Students from other countries (F-1 status) should read and complete next steps for securing a visa.
Deferring Admission Offer
If you are unable to enroll in the term that you originally applied for then please review your options to defer admission.
Declining Admission Offer
We understand that plans change. If you do not wish to attend this program please email NCGradAdmissions@asu.edu with your full name, ASU ID number (located on admissions letter), and your intention to decline the offer. This will help to ensure that ASU advisors do not reach out regarding next steps and registration.
Click here to review your program’s available courses and select classes for enrollment. *To access this document, be sure to log into your My ASU portal first.
Now What?
Prior to beginning your first course it is important that you read and understand the information available under “Current Students” on this advising website. This includes, but is not limited to, the Program Handbook, Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, and Graduate College Policies & Procedures. Students are responsible for information contained on this advising website, we recommend that you bookmark this page.
Login to MyASU and complete items listed in Priority Tasks.
Graduate College Field Guide to Grad School
ASU Graduate Admissions Next Steps
Financial Aid & Scholarship Services
Check your ASU email regularly
Current Students
Staff Academic Advising Questions
We are here to help! E-mail NCGradAdvising@asu.edu with questions related to policies and procedures to help you navigate graduate school successfully.
Many of the answers to your questions may be on this website and in the Program Handbook, please review both carefully.
Student Travel
The New College may provide up to $300 to support graduate student travel to academic and professional conferences. Students may also receive up to $950 for travel from GPSA. Contact your program director for more information.
Important Student Support Resources
University Academic Success Programs
Sexual Violence and Prevention Response
Program Newsletter
The MA English program requires 30 credit hours including a 3 credit hour culminating experience.
ASU Catalog and Degree Search: English, MA
What is the Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS)?
The Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS) functions as an agreement between the student, the academic unit, and the ASU Graduate College. It will support you as you make progress toward your degree requirements. (Learn More)
The iPOS allows you to plan for your course load, can guide registration each term, and provides an anticipated timeline for degree completion.
How do I select courses for my iPOS?
At the time of admission to a graduate program in the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences students are provided with a sequence of courses for the first semester and then work closely with the staff and faculty advisors to determine a successful path to degree completion.
How to create an iPOS?
To access the iPOS: Login to My ASU. From the My Programs box, under the Programs tab, select iPOS. Select Graduate Interactive Plan of Study (iPOS). Note: Pop up blockers may need to be turned off. You will find instructions for submitting the iPOS in the downloadable how-to guide.
This is a cohort based program. Please work closely with your staff academic advisor to review your required coursework each semester and your anticipated graduation semester.
ENG 597 Graduate Capstone Seminar (3 credit hours)
This course guides students through the completion of their capstone projects. The capstone is the integrating project completed at the end of the program of study. The capstone will most often take the form of a traditional research paper or applied project in literary scholarship, composition or rhetorical studies, or linguistics. Students prepare and submit a capstone project proposal in ENG 591, the term before beginning the project. The proposal, which must be approved by the instructor of record for ENG 591 (the Seminar in which students prepare the proposal), outlines the nature of the project and the work’s original contribution to the relevant fields of scholarship.
Capstone Course Eligibility and Registration
The capstone course is completed in a student’s final semester of study. To be eligible for an override to enroll in the culminating experience a student must:
- Have an approved iPOS with no course errors
- Resolve all items listed under Priority Tasks affecting registration in the My ASU Portal
- Meet the minimum 3.00 GPA in each Plan of Study GPA, Overall Graduate GPA, Cumulative GPA.
- If one or more of the GPAs is below the required minimum and can increase to a 3.00 with successful completion of the capstone, registration will be permitted.
- If a student becomes ineligible before the start of the culminating experience they will be removed from the course by New College Graduate Student Services. Prior to registration a student who is issued an override will receive an email with the appropriate section line number. If a student does not meet eligibility requirements as outlined above they will need to contact NCGradAdvising@asu.edu.
Our Faculty
Use the ASU iSearch feature to read more about each faculty’s expertise and research.
- Akua Duku Anokye
- Patrick Bixby
- Christopher Hanlon
- Sharon Kirsch, Graduate Program Director
- Annika Mann
- Miriam Mara
- Francine McGregror
- Louis Mendoza
- Michael Stancliff