Our faculty work to resolve key issues faced by our civilization, which are addressed through our research, teaching, and in our community outreach. We seek to infuse our students and the greater community with the ideals of impact, excellence, and access. We strive to create an inclusive student experience with extensive interdisciplinary opportunities. At the core of this experience is the opportunity for our students to work side-by-side with our faculty conducting authentic research in STEM disciplines. Our students are proficient in scientific inquiry and critical thinking, and ready to apply their skills to real life situations.In the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences we strive to educate and empower future STEM scholars and innovators.
Our 30+ faculty members include statisticians, mathematicians, computer scientists, forensic scientists, biologists, biotechnologists, and other natural science disciplines. Our research is funded by multiple federal and state agencies and we are one of the fastest growing research enterprises at the Arizona State University.

Mathematical and Natural Sciences as the new edge for your career
Career Opportunities for Undergraduates
Research Chemist/Biochemist
Pharmaceutical Scientist
Doctor, Dentist, Nurse
K-12 Science Teacher
College Professor
Forensic Scientist
Water Resource Scientist
Atmospheric and Space Scientist
Cybersecurity Analyst/Engineer
Data Scientist
Database Analyst
Network Analyst/Engineer
Software/Web Developer
Patent Lawyer
Science Policy Maker
Scientific Writer and Salesperson
Business Analyst
Informatics Scientist