photo of dna strands


The Future of Forensic Science Initiative

Initiative director

Executive committee

The FFSI executive committee works in partnership with the director and advisory board to develop and grow the initiative in line with its vision and mission. The executive committee consists of 2-3 faculty members who each serve a term of 3 years, along with an early career representative (postdoctoral scholar or graduate student). The committee meets 2-3 times per year to advance the initiative's strategic goals, and seeks regular input from and provides updates to the members of FFSI.

Committee members

Advisory board

The FFSI advisory board provides counsel toward developing and growing the initiative in line with its vision and mission. The advisory board consists of 6 members who each serve a term of 3 years (with potential for renewal of term). The board meets once per year with the executive committee of FFSI to advise the initiative's strategic goals and activities.

Board members

Faculty affiliates