Two students smiling at the camera making pitchforks with their hands

Western Regional Graduate Program

Tuition and Paying for College

Western Regional Graduate Program

The Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) is coordinated by the Western Interstate Commission of Higher Education (WICHE) and provides a tuition rate of 150% of resident graduate tuition. WRGP/WICHE is intended for those who can prove residency in a qualified WRGP/WICHE state and who are admitted to an approved ASU program.

Application and deadlines

Download the WRGP/WICHE application. 

WRGP/WICHE applications must be received by the below deadlines to be considered for the corresponding term.

  • Fall - June 1
  • Spring - November 1
  • Summer - April 1

WRGP/WICHE Application

Please note: Students pursuing concurrent programs may only apply if both programs have been approved. Online and doctoral programs are not eligible for WRGP/WICHE. Students must be admitted to an ASU approved program prior to submitting a WRGP/WICHE application. Student needs to have maintained residency in their home state for a minimum of two years. Email applications to

Participating New College Graduate programs include: